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be grateful for your mirrors

your teachers

the technicolored souls in your life

that pull you out from our nest of hiding

because they believe in

the wild possibility

that is you in this world


these people will

push you

break you

mend you

love you

save you

and inspire you to keep reaching for more


- Danielle Doby


Era was built with the understanding that in order to remain and sustain in this movement against sexual violence, generating community was necessary by all means.


So here it is.

Era's very first Consultation Group.


We are looking for 5-6 clinicians who wish to develop a specialization in trauma work (e.g. sexual assault, DV/IPV, human trafficking, etc.). The bedrock of our organization is trauma-informed, psychodynamic psychotherapy with an emphasis on attachment and somatic work.


Group details and format are sketched out as follows:


8-week closed consultation group

(Tentative start: January, 2025)

$75 per week


  • Check-ins, Q&A

  • Case consultation

  • Didactic training / Experiential exercises

  • Check-outs


This invite asks that you bring you, your work, and the impacts of your work in full form -

how you sit,

how you hold,

how you hurt,

how you need.


If this speaks to you I'm going to want to know.

Let's see what we can do together.

Email us at:

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